Some insist that individuals cannot repair their credit without waiting years for negative items to be removed. Don’t believe them. The Credit Repair Agents has been doing this for a long time and in that time we have found that through continually refining and redefining our strategies, we have secured methods that provide optimal performance. Although the details of the process change as new laws are passed and regulations are added, the underlying principle has remained virtually the same when challenging inaccurate or unverifiable information from a credit report. Here are the four essential steps that make up the process of cleaning up your credit reports.
Step 1: We examine your credit reports from three major bureaus
Experian, Equifax, & TransUnion. Here is a link to your credit reports for all three bureaus.
Step 2: We develop a plan for which items to dispute
One of our credit repair specialists will contact you within 24 hours of receiving your reports. We will go over your report in detail with you and present our plan for which items we will dispute. You will be able to access a detailed status of this progress 24/7 at our password protected customer service web site.
Step 3: The Credit Repair Agents works your case
The Credit Repair Agents begins to dispute your items by using its arsenal of credit report repair strategies and experienced staff to challenge negative items directly with the credit bureaus. Each individual case is different and depending on the number of negative items on your credit reports this step will be repeated for each subsequent loop through the cycle…
Step 4: Sit back and wait for results
The credit bureaus have a “reasonable amount of time”, approximately 30 days, to investigate your dispute.